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Enadia Way Technology Charter

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Students » Behavioral Expectations

Behavioral Expectations

Enadia Way Elementary

 Student Behavior Expectations

Prevention of Misconduct


Be Safe

Be Respectful

Be Responsible



* Walk to your table.

* Stay at assigned table until dismissed.

*Wait your turn.

* Keep doorway clear.

* Keep hands, feet & objects to yourself.

* Keep your hands to yourself.

* Only eat your own lunch.

* Follow adult directions.

*Select food quickly.

* Use polite words & soft voices.

* Stay in your line order.

* Throw trash in appropriate trash bins.

* Recycle and compost.

* Clean all around your table area.

* Have money ready and pay back cafeteria promptly.

* Be on time.

* Follow directions.


* Walk quietly to your seat.

* Keep your hands in your lap.

* Keep your feet down.

* Sit with your back against the chair.

* Sit quietly in your seat.

* Show appreciation with applause only.

* Be a good listener.

* Pay attention.

* Stay seated until told to line up.

* Raise your hand if you need assistance.


* Always walk carefully in and out of the office.

* Alert office staff that you are there.

* Bring office referral signed by adult.

* Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

* Be quiet while you are in the office.

* Do not interrupt office staff when they are helping other or on the phone.

* Say “excuse me” to get attention and “thank you”.

* Students communicate after school pick up plan with their parent prior to school starting.

* Students will wait 40 minutes after school is dismissed to use the office phone.

* Return ice packs daily.

* Remember to bring your own backpack, lunch, or homework.


* Stay in assigned areas.

* Walk to and from assigned areas.

* Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

* Follow adult directions.

* Watch where you are going.

* Share equipment.

* Take turns.

* Demonstrate good sportsmanship.

* Treat others in a kind manner.

* Use the restroom and drink water during recesses.

* Freeze when the bell rings.

* Walk to your line when the whistle blows.

* Carry equipment to the ballroom after recess.


* Walk quietly to and from the restroom.

* Go with a partner.

* Report all spills to adult.

* Do not play in the restroom.

* Keep the lights on and bathroom door open.

* Always flush.

* Respect other’s personal privacy

* Talk in a quiet voice.

* Knock before entering stalls.

* Gently push the hand dryer button.

* Paper towels go in the trash.

* Toilet paper goes in the toilet.

* Always wash your hands.

* Leave the restroom as soon as you are finished with your business.


* Sit still on story stairs.

* Sit with your chair flat on the ground.

* Always walk in the library.

* Use step stool carefully or ask adult for help.

* Keep your voice to a whisper.

* Wait your turn.

* Be a good listener.

* Sit quietly and read silently.

* Leave food and drink outside the library.

* Wash hands before entering the library.

* Handle books with care.

* Return books on time.

* Use shelf markers when looking for a book.

* Wait quietly in line.

* Clean up before you leave the library.

* Pay for or replace lost or damaged books promptly.

Walk Ways

* Walk quietly.

* Walk on the right.

* Pass on the left.

* Look where you are going.

* Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.


* Walk quietly.

* Stay in line order.

* Keep a space bubble around you.

* Be aware of others.

* If you drop something, pick it up.

* If you see trash, pick it up and throw it away.

* Keep your things in your backpack.

* Keep backpacks tidy on backpack racks.



Enadia Way Technology Charter



Level 1

Level 2

Level 3



Frequent repeat of level one behavior

Frequent repeat of level two behavior

Verbal Misuse

Hurtful words

Divisiveness   (gossip, cliques)

Talking at inappropriate times

Isolated incident of inappropriate language

Inappropriate noises

Disrespectful tone

Initial bullying behavior

Disrespect/Confrontation with adults

Arguing with adults

Crying and yelling (to purposefully disrupt)

Foul Language/Profanity

Vulgar language-directed toward others

Verbal assault

Ethnic, religious, gender-related, or hateful slur(s)

Physical Contact

Impulsive touching

Playful contact

Irritating others

Aggressive play in context of recess games

Pushing with intent




Throwing objects randomly

Spitting (random)

Misuse of property

Violent outburst


Throwing an object with intent to injure

Spitting at a person

Self inflicting wounds

Bringing weapons to school


Rolling eyes, deep sigh

Situational refusal to follow directions

Posturing with body in an act of defiance

Refusing to follow directions on a regular


Passive-aggressive behaviors

Shutting down, refusing to follow directions

Refusing to leave or enter a room, move to

    different seat, etc.

Walking/running out of classroom or away

    from adult supervision without permission

Directly defying directions-doing the exact




Repeating 3rd party information


Passive participation in hurtful activities, and 

      in hurtful conversations


Hurtful act or words against others

Scapegoating (blaming others)

Sexual Harassment

Cyber bullying (any electronic device)



Property Damage

Writing on school property

Ripping someone’s paper or school materials

Drawing inappropriate pictures on paper.

Writing on furniture/walls/etc.

Carving into furniture/walls/etc.

Vandalism (substantial destruction or

    disfigurement of property)

Deliberately impairing the usefulness of

     school property, or another’s personal



Poor manners

Gross behaviors with intent

Hand gestures with negative connotations

Drawing inappropriate pictures with intent

Giving the finger in an isolated incident

Threatening hand gestures

Exposing private parts purposefully

Touching another student inappropriately

Gestures involving any sexual behavior




Off task

Disruptive behavior

Out of seat

Noise making

Rocking or tipping the chair


Lack of personal boundaries

Violent outbursts or tantrums

Explosive behavior

Running from designated area

Repeated behavior causing a sustained and

    significant interruption of a class or activity


Level 1 (Universal)

Level 2 (Selected)

Level 3 (Targeted/Intensive)


Consequences-Interventions and Support

Supervision Personnel/Teacher/Classroom

Teacher/Teacher-Admin. Team Meeting/PBS Team/Home-School Connection

Administration Intervention


Corrective Feedback

2nd Step Social Skills Training

Model/Teach appropriate behavior


Instructional Prompt

Loss of privilege

Praise appropriate choices

Active supervision/monitoring

Behavior Thinking Map

Possible parent contact

Talk Spot (problem solving, perception)

Refer to IEP for Behavior Support Plan

Reflective Behavior Thinking Map/Contract (return with parent signature)

Instructional Prompt

Model/Teach appropriate behavior with corrective feedback

Behavior action plan

Teacher monitors goal

Parent contacted

PBS and follow-ups

Loss of privilege

Praise appropriate choices

Targeted social skills training

School-based mentor/buddy

Increased academic support, if needed

PBS Team/SST Referral

Parent Collaboration Conference

Individual Behavior Support Plan/contract

District/School Counseling

Partnership with school and community


Praise appropriate choices

2nd Step social skills instruction

Alternatives to suspension



PBS Team – Positive Behavior Support Team